General Specifications
Ear tip material: Silicon
Headphone cable length (cm): 62
Headphone cable length (ft): 2.03
Audio Specifications
Driver sensitivity at 1kHz/1mW (dB): 102 dB
Dynamic frequency response range (Hz): 20 Hz - 20 kHz
Impedance (ohms): 16 ohm
Weight (g): 19.7
Weight (oz): 0.69
Control and Connection Specifications
Bluetooth profiles: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.5, HFP V1.5, HSP V1.2
Bluetooth frequency: 2.402 GHz - 2.48 GHz
Bluetooth transmitted modulation: GFSK, π/4 DQPSK and 8DPSK
Bluetooth transmitter power: 4dbm
Battery Type: Lithium-ion Polymer battery (3.7 V / 120 mAH)
Maximum talk time (hours): 6
Bixby: No
Siri/ Google Now: Yes
Speed charge: Yes