Chicco 150g talcum powder is just made for baby's super sensitive skin. It contains zinc oxide which helps keep the skin refreshed for a long time. It has an excellent absorbent property that leaves the skin dry. It also helps keep the skin as soft as velvet. The child's skin is prone to infections. Sprinkling with talcum powder can prevent infection. In addition, its hypoallergenic formula reduces the risk of skin allergies. Another interesting feature is that it does not clog pores, allowing the skin to breathe naturally. It provides excellent protection for your baby's skin. The powder is free of alcohol and dyes. No parabens are used in the manufacture of the powder. What's great is that Chicco baby powder is clinically tested, ensuring that the product can be used safely, even on sensitive skin. It easily moisturizes the skin by keeping it supple and smooth. Interestingly, the powder has a beautiful fragrance that keeps the baby cool and happy for a long time. After showering baby, you can sprinkle talcum powder all over your body. It can be sprinkled on rashes for quick healing. It can also be used in the evening before the baby falls asleep. Mothers prefer to use powder to keep their angel's skin soft, dry and smooth throughout the day. Buy the Chicco 150 g talcum powder that comes in a nice bottle and give your child a soft and supple skin. It is an adorable companion for your baby.