NUK Masher & Bowl
- Straightforward way to turn cooked vegetables or soft fruit into puree
- Masher and bowl with non-slip handles and base
- Narrow grooves make pureeing easy
- Ideal for out and about
NUK Fresh FoodsTM products make preparing, dividing up and storing homemade meals in children-sized portions quick and uncomplicated! The thought-through aids for the family kitchen are ideal for parents, who, after breastfeeding is over, want to offer as fresh and varied food as possible. All Fresh FoodsTM products are made from high-quality, BPA-free synthetic materials.
The NUK Masher & Bowl is perfectly suited for preparing soft fruit or cooked vegetable puree with no fuss at all. The set contains a bowl, with a base and handles that are non-slip for stability, as well as a masher. The narrow grooves in the base of the bowl help to turn the ingredients into puree very quickly and simply – when it is time for a healthy snack, even out and about too!
The NUK Masher & Bowl: 1,2,3 – out of fruit make puree!